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Recovery Rockstars

Recovery Rockstars are cats that require vetting beyond the scope of a typical intake. 

They require anaesthetic for diagnosis or treatment purposes, such as dental cleaning or tooth removal surgery,

amputation, eye removal surgery, blockage removal, etc.

If you would like to donate to their care and recovery, please contact us, or

send an eTransfer to and list the cat's name in the message.

Please note: we cannot issue tax receipts.

Emmeline 1.jpeg


Procedure: Dental
Vet Bill: $986.70
Funds Raised: $275.00
Remaining: $711.70

Emmeline has a bit of a long story.

She first came into rescue after being given away on Facebook. Emmeline and her surviving kittens were sent directly to foster care where it was discovered that they had a bad case of ringworm. Her foster home took very good care of Emmaline and her kittens. They were back to healthy in no time.

Emmeline waited patiently for her adoption day and was very happy in her adoptive home. Life changed when Emmeline’s special person moved to assisted living, Emmaline found herself back with FFCR. After a few months in foster care she had gaining back her confidence she was our featured feline at Pet Valu.

Once again Emmeline found herself adopted but she was having a hard time adjusting to life with another feline friend. For her well being she was returned to FFCR’s care.

One of her foster families notice Emmeline was not acting herself. It was discovered that she had 5 teeth that needed to be removed. She went in for dental surgery and is now living a much more comfortable life.

If you would like to make a donation towards her dental cost, please contact us. Call/text 204-304-9173 or email

RR Min.png


Procedure: Dental
Vet Bill: $1162.60
Funds Raised: $559.00
Remaining: $603.60

Meet little Min. 

Dear little Min was one of the last few kittens to be born at the greenhouse.  She came into care with a very bad Upper Respiratory Infection, which in turn causes poor dental health for some felines.

Min has been so brave as the vet informed us that she would indeed need a full dental. Poor Min had to have all her teeth removed at such a young age.  But we know that she will live her best life with no dental pain.

Min has fully recovered from her surgery and will be on the hunt for her furever home soon.

If you would like to make a donation towards her dental cost, please contact us. Call/text 204-304-9173 or email

RR Mitsu.png


Procedure: Health Issues
Vet Bill: $1043.81
Funds Raised: $0
Remaining: $1043.81

Meet Mittsu.

Cats like Mittsu are why we do what we do.  Mittsu literally walked himself into rescue.  He came to one of our volunteers home on a cold October evening.  Mittsu was on deaths door.  He was severely underweight and dealing with other health issues. 
Despite his struggle for survival he now knew he was safe.

As Mittsu began to recover in foster care his body struggled. His organs became  inflamed after being so long with out food. The vet gave us medication to help get Mittsu feeling better. 
Not long after that he came down with an Upper Respiratory Infection which meant that more medication was needed.

Mittsu has recovered and is enjoying life in his foster home.  This senior tripod may just have a few lives left yet.

If you’d like to help Mittsu you can send e-transfers to

RR Tink.png


Procedure: Dental
Vet Bill: $735.04
Funds Raised: $236.75
Remaining: $498.29

Tink came to FFCR as a tiny kitten.

She was found outside in the cold by a kind citizen. This caring person immediately got her into her warm house. Tink was so underweight that it was initially thought that she was much younger than her actually age. She was transferred to our rescue and one of our fosters families that specializes in cold, starving kittens took her in to help her. She was put on a diet for her condition that helped her grow big and strong. Unfortunately, her teeth were already adult ones and would not benefit from proper nutrition. The damage was already done.

Once Tink gained the energy to move around, a limp became apparent. At our rescue we see this type of injury often…it comes from travelling under a vehicle and getting off before the vehicle has come to a complete stop. Extremely dangerous and life threatening, but most cats jump as the vehicle slows to town speed. With lots of rest and TLC, Tink’s leg healed completely. but we knew we would need to address those teeth at some point. Her teeth were slowly rotting in her mouth. Making her breath smell horrible. 

She required a dental procedure with 18 teeth removed. She has only been one of the many cats this year that has needed expensive dental work. But we would never let a cat suffer, so we got the work done and now Tink needs help paying her vet bill.

She was a total Recovery Rockstar and healed in record time! Back to her shy but playful self. We hope that her confidence grows without those painful teeth and her personality becomes as lovely as her beautiful fur.

If you would like to make a donation towards her dental cost, please contact us. Call/text 204-304-9173 or email

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